Rendering is the most computationally intensive part of 3D animation. The part where having the computer with the fastest processor and the most memory really comes in handy. At Abbott Media we do quite a lot of rendering. To give you an idea, a single frame of animation can take up to three hours to […]
Author: Abbott Animation
Video-centered marketing and blogging—‘vlogging’—is one of the most upwardly mobile trends on the web. Each year, more businesses are incorporating video into their marketing mix in hopes of cashing in on the lucrative market. Some know what they’re doing; others, not so much. There’s nothing wrong with making mistakes as long as you learn from […]
So you want to jumpstart your email marketing campaigns? That makes sense. When someone gives away their email, it’s a big deal. The best marketers look at it as a genuine privilege and an opportunity not to be squandered. But how do you use an email list wisely? Here are three suggestions for making people […]
Make A Splash!
This week I attended the Tucson Metro Chamber’s State of the State event. It was the first time that I have attended an event like this and it was an interesting and eye-opening experience. Business owners from all over Tucson flocked to the El Conquistador Resort to listen to the governor’s address as well as […]
Care About Quality
Recently I attended a panel discussion on entrepreneurship that featured several business owners in Tucson. As I drove west toward Pima Community College, where the event was being held, I wasn’t quite sure what I should expect. Can these events really impart useful knowledge on the small business owner? Can these people really say something […]
Not Your Grandma’s Animation
n 1899, a British filmmaker named Arthur Cooper animated matchsticks in a campaign for donations so that matches could be sent to British soldiers overseas. As boring as that is in the age of animated blockbusters produced by large animation studios such as Disney/Pixar, it was one of the first times animation was used for […]
The Process of Storyboarding
Check out our updated process of storyboarding article on our sister site, Abbott Animation! Storyboarding is the process used to visualize what the final look of a motion picture, motion graphic, animation, or interactive media sequence will be. Think of it as a comic strip where all the important details are laid out including audio, […]
National ADDY Awards
Abbott Media is proud to announce that we’re finalists for the National ADDY Award competition in Austin, Texas this year! After winning one gold and two silver awards in the regional competition, our entries will now move on to the national level in June. We want to thank our wonderful clients for giving us the […]