So you want to jumpstart your email marketing campaigns? That makes sense. When someone gives away their email, it’s a big deal. The best marketers look at it as a genuine privilege and an opportunity not to be squandered.
But how do you use an email list wisely? Here are three suggestions for making people happy, not annoyed with your weekly inbox blasts.
Optimize Emails for Mobile
Nearly half of all emails are checked on a mobile phone. If you haven’t optimized your emails for the up-scaling practice of mobile web browsing, now is the time. Be sure to utilize responsive email templates and use screen proportions to resize your images. The video storyboard template gallery is already code-optimized for mobile viewing.
Tap the Power of Video
Video is popular because it holds such promise, even for novice producers. Few online marketing tactics provide as much bang for the buck.
Not surprisingly, emailed video has seen incredible leaps of growth in the last two years. Search Engine Watch has predicted 2014 will be an ‘explosive’ year for videos on smartphones and tablets. Email marketers with quality video content that invites engagement should be well-positioned to take advantage of this trend.
Nurture Your List
One reason email marketing is so popular is its handy versatility. It can be used to segment your subscribers into meaningful categories, such as new prospects versus current customers.
Between them, it may be tempting to give fresh leads all your attention, but there’s no point in attracting new clients if you can’t hold on to the ones you’ve got. Every so often, make a point to reach out to existing customers on your email list. Use a video storyboard template service like HDSplash to compose a brief message thanking them for their loyalty and business.
It’s one thing to get an automated-text ‘thank you’ email. It’s quite another to receive a freshly crafted, personalized message expressing genuine gratitude for one’s patronage. Embedding a sincere ‘thank you’ video in a timely email is a great way to earn points with customers and reinforce their long-term loyalty.