Has your business jumped on board with the video marketing train yet? Trending data suggest that video marketing should be a part of your advertising and marketing plan. What data you ask, how about this number: 1.8 million. That’s the estimated value of just a one-minute video according to Dr. James McQuivey of Forrester Research.
No business owner has the time or energy to write out 1.8 million words. That would equal out to about 3,600 blogs that were a minimum of 500 words each! When you ask those around you if they’d rather spend the next 2 hours watching a movie or reading a book you will realize video marketing is the single most practical use of your marketing time and energy. This isn’t just a market trend, video is the way most people get their news, sports updates, entertainment, and financial advice on a daily basis, with social media being the carrier of these videos, they can reach millions.
The average Internet user is exposed to an average of 32 videos a month. This would increase your chances that your marketing message will be seen. When you average out that around 100 million users are on the Internet watching video each day a simple one-minute video would’ve increased your marketing reach more than 500-word blog would even come close too.
According to VideoBrewery.com, 90% of online shoppers at major retailer’s website said they find video helpful when making decisions. Retailers who have added video to show off their products report increases in sales of those products with video over products without video. And if you’re looking to reach the B2B market, more than 75% of business executives will watch work-related videos on business websites at least once a week according to Sarah Mincher of Digital Sherpa.
If you’re not using video marketing, you’re missing out on a huge number of potential clients and business opportunities. It’s not just the total number of people who watch the video; it’s the number of people your video has the opportunity to reach. When you post a video to your small business website, you’re setting yourself apart and adding an engaging quality that will keep consumers on your page.
Whether you have a hundreds or millions to spend on marketing, always remember the importance of a simple marketing video. Show the people who you are, what your business is about, and why it’s important to them.