Abbott Animation is a quality-oriented provider of animation services and 3D interactive applications, specializing in medical devices and other product animation. Our mission is to provide our customers with highly creative and effective digital media services that help them to attain communication goals. We utilize animation to accomplish our customers’ goals, turning complexity into comprehension by taking intricate products or processes and distilling them into simple-to-follow visuals. By providing top-quality educational, marketing, and sales tools used across all digital platforms and broadcast media, we connect our clients with their desired audience with engaging, captivating content. Abbott Animation is founded on good-faith, long-term working relationships that our customers can depend on.
Combining the expertise of our trained medical illustrator with our talented artists, we tell compelling, accurate, and concise stories. We produce effectively tailored animations that demonstrate medical products and procedures while also educating medical professionals, patients, and the public. From technical medical devices; to stylized 2D informational productions; to detailed anatomy animation and illustration; we aspire to reach the highest level of precision and detail in all of the work we produce. In addition to animation, we have extensive experience creating interactive applications that can run across multiple platforms, showcasing products and procedures in any desired fashion. We collaborate with our clients, such as Roche, Philips, Accelerate Diagnostics, IQAir, and Bio Concepts Compression Garments, to create content that best suits their needs while maintaining strong, dynamic elements that keep the animation engaging.
3D Animation
2D Animation
Product Animation
Character Animation
Interactive Applications
Incident Recreation
Motion Graphics
Video Effects
Web/Mobile Content
Video Production
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